Dave Callan – The Graveyard Shift
Five years of late night Triple J insanity in one amazing hour.
When? 29th March – 22nd April | Tue – Sat 9:45 PM | Sun 8:45 PM
How much? Full $19.50 | Conc. $16.50 | Group (6 or more) $14.50 | Laugh Pack $13.50 | Cheap Tues. $12.50 – Buy Tickets
Where? Portland Hotel
DAVE Callan delivers an epic retrospective of his radio career working the late night graveyard shift at Triple J. As one would expect, taking calls from people experiencing various levels and types of intoxication was one of his main roles. With this he covers the years he spent frantically trying to get a competent show to air, fending off censorship crises – all without the assistance of a paid producer.
The Graveyard Shift is presented with the aid of audio recorded from the aforementioned callers and is mixed like a cocktail, filled with all things random and unexpected. He’s even gone to the trouble of adding subtitles to help the audience interpret certain less coherent callers. This combined with his personal anecdotes, photos and big performance finish, makes The Graveyard Shift a great show for all fans of the bizarre and rock’n’roll.