Kate McLennan – Homeward Bound
When? 29th March – 22nd April | Mon – Sat 7:15 PM | Sun 6:15 PM
How much? Full $26 | Conc. $24 (N/A Sat) | Cheap Tues. $22 – Buy Tickets
Where? Victoria Hotel
A relationship breakdown can always be the cause of laughter once the heart strings have settled and time has created a bit of breathing space.
In this unabashedly honest look at the grieving period, McLennan pulls faces at post-break up feelings, her family’s reaction to the news she is now a single thirty something and how to handle a bridal expo when you have no foreseeable reason to even catch the bouquet. McLennan is quirky, warm and confiding, pulling out some admirable characterisations of family and friends along the way.
Homeward Bound is not crying with laughter comedy, performance lags in parts, but provides a funny snapshot of those sensitive moments following personal tragedy.