Review – Cartoobs and Other Typos with your host First Dog on the Moon
If you aren’t familiar with First Dog on the Moon (or FD in Internet parlance) as a political satirist and cartoonist then you’re probably part of the problem, but it’s okay, he’s in Adelaide for the Fringe to tell us how our feelings and tv shows are confusing our brains and making us bad at democracy – but there is hope!
In this FULL BLOWN MULTIMEDIA EXTRAVAGANZA, FD recounts some of his recently delivered orations covering off on feminism, democracy, science and marsupials, and unveils the origin story for his widely beloved ABC Interpretative Dance Bandicoot. All the while, matching his hand-drawn cartoons with stories from his life and philosophical musings on democracy and humanity.
FD is calm and gracious on stage; a benevolent curmudgeon, a lone crusader against our collective stupidity. Using the power of cute cartoon animals and spectacular lyrical license, FD’s cartoons condense often complex political issues into simple vignettes to reflect our collective selfishness. We, the blank faced marsupials and house pets, are innocent: utterly redeemable.
Video, audio, dance, song, poetry, live drawings, celebrity testimonials, pledges of allegiance; and probably some other stuff I missed from laughing too hard: all delivered with intelligence and brevity. The show’s title may be a typo, but there are no mistakes in the content: first rate from First Dog.