Review – Thursday
Venue: Norwood Town Hall
Bring your tissues; it’s going to be a rough ride.
On Thursday July 7th 2005 London’s morning rush hour was interrupted by a senseless series of coordinated suicide attacks. The head count flooding across the media was that the four bombers and fifty-two civilians were killed and over 700 injured. But much too often, those listening to the horrific news during their own morning rush hour consider it purely as that; a head count. We are too often nullified by constant chaos, and sheltered by fear that we fail to consider these “victims” and “heroes” shared our stories, habits and emotions.
Thursday winds a typical morning in the life of seven Londoners prior to the fateful Tube ride. And I say ‘winds’ quite literally. The morning routine of all seven takes place simultaneously on stage. You have a confusion of conversations to each other, to oneself, to nobody in particular occurring all at once. But don’t let this scare you off. The acting of each individual is so pinpoint perfect, and in combination with a easily readable set design, you can’t help but get swept away.
This is hands down one World Premiere you will want to have seen. If not for the brilliant performances and a beautifully touching screenplay, then take the opportunity to see Thursday for a little history. But a real history that you won’t find on any Current Affair or morning show.