Review – Gossling
Venue: The Garden of Unearthly Delights – The Spiegeltent
Links: Website | Buy Tickets | iTunes
Oh, wha’?!… I have to keep going?
One word is enough to describe the performance of this twenty-something singer-songwriter, but I’ll continue.
I’ve been pretty uninspired by new music of late. A lot of acts have great recorded music, but can’t perform for peanuts. Gossling however, has all bases covered. From start to finish, her voice was flawless, her band was tight and the sound was perfect. I’ll often go see music and three quarters of the way in my mind will start to wander – I’ll want a beer, a toilet break (I fell asleep ten minutes into Sigur Ros) – but Gossling came to the end of her set and I wanted more. She was kooky, cute and peddled fridge magnets with her head on them.
Her set had a mix of slow and fast songs with a few covers thrown in; Dolly Parton’s ‘Joelene’ was one of particular note. What I liked most about her though, was that she explained what some of her songs were about before she played them. It sounds so simple, but particularly when you’re listening to a slow song, it makes so much difference to know the meaning behind it.
With Gossling, I rekindled an old flame, guided a hopeless lover through life and experienced unrequited love.
I loved her.