10 Quick Qs – Josie Long: Romance and Adventure (UK)
Show Info: Melbourne Town Hall | 9th April – 21st April | from $26
Links: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Buy Tickets
1. Describe your show Twitter style, 140 characters or less:
It’s about turning 30 and loving adventure sports, there’s swearing, a bit where I pretend to be a Godzilla sort of thing for some reason- there’s something for everyone.
2. On first dates, is there a lot of pressure to be funny?
Heckler, are you asking me out?
3. Why did you become a comedian?
I grew up loving comedy and as soon as I tried stand up I fell in love with it/became hopelessly addicted.
4. Is heckling allowed?
Only if it’s really, really good or a really loving compliment.
5. What would you like named after you – a planet, stadium, street, city, a comedy festival or something else? And why?
Ooooh! Cool. Um, I’d take anything, even a municipal toilet, tbh, I’m not fussy. I’d only take a planet if it stayed a planet and wasn’t deplanetised like Pluto after five minutes.
6. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A motorbike or just me but much cooler.
7. Funniest youtube video you’ve ever seen?
Boston Terrier dog that likes his belly tickled – NO CONTEST!
8. Why would someone not come to see your show?
I think if you are a really proud conservative or rightwinger you’d not like what I had to say, or if you were a real arsehole and hated fun and laughter?
9. You’re stranded on a deserted island… If you could teleport any person to be with you, who would it be? And why?
Is it too cheesy to say my boyfriend? I’d like my boyfriend please.
10. Besides your show, what’s your pick at the festival?
Heidi O Loughlin, amazing NZ comedian!