Review – Pajama Men: Just The Two of Each of Us (USA)
Venue: Arts Centre Melbourne
Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Buy Tickets
The Pajama Men, Shenoah Allen and Mark Chavez, are a cast of men, a plethora of personas and a series of stooges, I could go on, but in short they are very talented and funny character actors with as much nous for one-liners as talent for comic timing.
In the world premiere of “Just the Two of Each of Us” Melbourne is treated to the very first season of another well-crafted and delightful show. Our Pajama clad men haven’t mixed up the formula too much, but if you are on to a Barry-Award winning formula, surely you don’t cast it aside like a bottle of differently labelled soda? No, you keep improving on it!
A Pajama Men performance is like a mystery novel; we are confronted with a range of funny and seemingly unrelated skits and characters, punctuated by spit-fire humour and a few red herrings. Slowly we begin to understand how it’s all connected and by this point they have you, hook, line and sinker.
The Pajama Men were born to improvise, so no show is exactly the same – they frequently crack each other and the audience up as they follow new jokes through to logical and illogical conclusions.
Look I’m not going to lie to you, I kind of wish the Pajama Men were my two dads. We could hang out all day building mattress forts and pretending we’re kings and queens and ninjas and then when they tuck me in at night to read me a story they would always do the best voices.
Then again if you don’t have any imagination and hate theatre-sports maybe it’s not for you.