10 Quick Qs – Lady Rizo
Show Info: Space Theatre | 21st – 22nd of June | $49.90 adult, $44.90 concession and $54.90 premium.
Links: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Buy Tickets
Described by New York Magazine as a “cabaret superstar”, this sultry chantuese and comedienne revives the cabaret genre by creating vintage arrangements of pop songs from the 80s, 90s and today. Lady Rizo is making her Australian debut at the 2013 Adelaide Cabaret Festival.
1. Describe your show Twitter-style, 140 character or less!
Cabaret superstar hypnotizes with Grammy-winning vocal chops. Dazzling display of glamour, wit & charm. Goes down on heart while blowing mind
2. What was the most challenging aspect in putting your show together?
Dealing with new venues – sound, lights and dressing rooms. OY! Plus remembering lyrics to hundreds of songs.
3. Which instrument have you never got round to learning?
Learned but never mastered piano and want to cry about it every day. But I guess not hard enough to take up more lessons.
4. Any country, any decade – when and where would you go?
Paris in the 1920s, of course! I’d also love to see the ancient Roman Bacchanalian festivals.
5. What’s your favourite Internet-related guilty indulgence?
Love the Fache-Book, Twitter and Instagram but that is sort of a job not so much an indulgence. I can trip down weird internet portals like horrible pictures of awful and hilarious genital tattoos for hours. Then I feel guilty and kinda dirty…
6. What makes cabaret so fun for you?
It’s all mine! I’m only answering to my whims and rules for this world that I’ve created. Plus eyelashes, gowns, gorgeous and sexy audience members, fishnets and songs!
7. As a child, which film did you re-watch too many times?
The Princess Bride. Still obsessed.
8. Who’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever been ignored by?
Christina Aguilera had her back to me for an entire performance. Ugh! Rude and I’m not afraid to say it.
9. Never mind corsets, what other type of underwear deserves to become outerwear?
Sock-garters are pretty sexy on the right man or lady’s calf.
10. Whose show are you most excited to catch at this year’s Festival?
Joey Arias is my hometown hero and I’m always excited to see a performance. I’m also ready to be exposed to many new cabaret talents. See you soon!