10 Quick Qs – Sarah-Louise Young
Show Info: Artspace | 19th – 20th of June | $34.90 adult, $29.90 concession and $39.90 premium.
Links: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Buy Tickets
Sarah-Louise Young is performing the Adelaide debut of her show Julie Madly Deeply as part of the 2013 Cabaret Festival. The award-winning West End singer and actress lovingly recreates the sound of Julie Andrews, and tells true stories from the life of the stage legend.
1. Describe your show Twitter-style, 140 character or less!
An affectionate, cheeky love letter to Dame Julie Andrews from one of her biggest fans, featuring stories & songs from her incredible career.
2. What was the most challenging aspect in putting your show together?
Knowing what to leave out. She performed in so many amazing shows and films. There were enough anecdotes and quotes to make a three hour cabaret.
3. Which instrument have you never got round to learning?
I bought a Child Prodigy Midget Accordion when I was last in Australia but it sat gathering dust so I gave it to a six month old child whose going great guns with it.
4. Any country, any decade – when and where would you go?
Paris, France, 1920s, The Grand Guignol Theatre to see Paula Maxa murdered on stage for the 6000th time. I am writing a musical about her life and would love to have seen her in action. And of course, opening night of My Fair Lady on Broadway to see my heroine make history.
5. What’s your favourite Internet-related guilty indulgence?
BBCiPlayer. I never get to watch television (I don’t even own one) but when I am on tour I catch up on Strictly Come Dancing and The Voice and pretend it is research.
6. What makes cabaret so fun for you?
The audience: the are the missing ingredient all through rehearsal and I cannot wait to perform in front of the Adelaide festival crowd. I had an amazing time there in 2010 with my character comedy show, Cabaret Whore, and I am really hoping that they love what we have created for them. Without the audience, it isn’t a cabaret.
7. As a child, which film did you re-watch too many times?
I obsessively watched Breakfast At Tiffany’s when I was sixteen and have enjoyed watching it again to work on my Audrey Hepburn impersonation for Julie Madly Deeply. I have four brothers who wouldn’t let me watch musicals so I’ve had a wonderful time catching up over the past 12 months.
8. Who’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever been ignored by?
I don’t think I’ve ever been snubbed by a celebrity. When I was just out of drama school I was asked to interview some names on the red carpet for the 10th anniversary of Chicago. I was in the mosh pit with all the journalists trying to make a little film and getting crushed, when Ute Lemper stopped to talk to me. I later learned it was one of only two interviews she agreed to give that night. She was lovely.
9. Never mind corsets, what other type of underwear deserves to become outerwear?
I’d like to see the sock garter make an external appearance. I don’t own a wallet or purse as I fear it’s a slippery road to owning a handbag and then I might as well give in and bring my suitcase out with me, so the sock garter would be a useful place to tuck my bus ticket.
10. Whose show are you most excited to catch at this year’s Festival?
Martha Wainwright’s. I love her work and am hoping to get to see her perform. Barb Jungr is also wonderful. I’m in incredible company.