10 Quick Qs – The Rocketeers
Show Info: Rhino Room | 22nd June, 8.30 pm | $7
Links: Facebook | Unearthed | Website | Buy Tickets
[Rocketeers lead singer Cameron McTernan was kind enough to answer 10 Quick Qs. The band are launching their first single this weekend at Rhino Room.]
1. Describe your band Twitter-style, in 140 characters or less!
We sound like a fistful of sherbet, a mouse eating bubble gum and fireworks in a retirement home.
2. You can open for any band – who would it be?
We’d love to open for the Brian May solo project Star Fleet Project.
3. What’s the best thing that social media has done for the music scene?
Social media is the great equaliser of content. I’m not even joking about this but these days music news, foreign affairs, cats and pictures of food get equal footing.
4. What’s the worst?
See answer to #3.
5. If you could redo the soundtrack to any film, what would it be?
Blade Runner.
6. What is the ideal breakfast?
Ham and cheese toasted sandwich with coffee in a dinosaur onesie.
7. What’s your favourite CD for its art?
Mars Volta’s Frances the Mute. The vinyl version has a green record that glows in the dark.
8. Best gig you’ve ever had?
Our last gig at the Ed Castle for sure, but also being one of the last bands to play Jade Monkey before it closed was a privilege.
9. If there was a cocktail named after your band, what would be in it?
Two shots of Gin and one shot of Blue Curacao poured over a hot knife into a tall glass of grape soda.
Then set on fire.
10. Not including The Rocketeers, what upcoming Adelaide band are you most excited about?
Sincerely, Grizzly by miles. But I’m also quite fond of It’s a Hoax, Pink Noise Generator and Horror My Friend.