10 Quick Qs – Asher Treleaven
Asher Treleaven is returning to Adelaide Fringe with a new show; heckler asks him the important questions!
1. Describe your show Twitter-style, 140 character or less!
This year I’m going Smaller Poorer Weaker and Cheaper than anyone else.
2. Do you feel pressured to be funny at family gatherings?
No my family hates me.
3. Is this your first Adelaide Fringe? If so, what are you most looking forward to? If not, what is your least favourite thing about the festival?
I’m not a fan of locust swarms or the Street Church preachers, but I am a big fan of locust swarms attacking the Street Church Preachers.
4. What was the most challenging aspect about preparing your show?
Creating it for under $37.00
5. If you could be any character in any movie, who and what would it be?
I’d like to be Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbusters.
6. Who’s your biggest comedic idol?
My biggest idol is Steve Martin.
7. Is heckling allowed?
Look, you can try; but you need to understand that you will lose and I will not stop until you’re totally destroyed.
8. What’s your favourite Internet-related guilty indulgence?
Looking up websites on men ‘mistakingly’ putting things into their penis.
9. What is the biggest accolade you’ve received from one of your shows?
A nomination for the Best Newcomer at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2010.
10. What other Fringe show are you most excited to catch up with?
Comic Strip and Adrienne Truscott’s: Asking For It a One-Lady Rape About Comedy Starring Her Pussy and Little Else!
Asher’s show debuts on March 3rd.