Review – Aussie Hunks Australia: Fullmonty All Male Review Show
What can I say? I mean, it was an all-male fullmonty review show. Do I really need to describe what happened?
Oh, all right.
The evening started with a free champagne, which helped to loosen the audience up. There were four performers. The men occasionally performed together, but most of the show consisted of their individual routines. They danced, they got up close and personal with some audience members, and then they took off all their clothes. And I do mean all. They definitely saved the most impressive performance for last: the performer danced, backflipped, and walked on his hands. It was very athletic. Some of the women in the crowd were also selected to join the men on stage, much to the delight of their friends. And themselves.
I think the success of shows like this is down to the men. And I don’t necessarily mean their looks, or their talent (though both those things certainly help), but their enthusiasm. Shows like these could very easily seem sleazy, but if the performers seem to be having fun, the audience probably will, too. Some of the performers were far better at dancing than others, but they were all very polite as they simulated oral sex on audience members and shimmied their junk in the faces of their volunteers. They were also nice enough to pick a whole range of women for the audience participation segments, including one old enough to be my mother. The music was good, and they left it on during the interval so the audience members could dance. Unfortunately, I felt the interval was much too long, and a lot of the momentum they had built up dissipated. Another issue I had was that there were odd and completely unnecessary sound effects during the men’s performances. I really didn’t need an ‘uh’ sound every time a performer did a hip thrust. And the orgasm game with audience members was just really embarrassing for all concerned, and seemed to be designed to humiliate girls. Despite some very minor flaws, it was a hugely entertaining performance.
Overall, this show would be a fun night out with your girl friends. The men were hot, the show was enjoyable, and everyone seemed to have a good time. A word of advice: if you want to get hands on with the performers, an aisle seat is definitely the way to go.