Review – Deception
In my day to day life I don’t like people that deceive me. These people should be treated with a degree of caution. There is, however, one big brontosaurus-sized exception to this rule, and that is magic.
In fact, that is your challenge.
Now. I am not a pushover. You can’t just pull the wool over my eyes. I pride myself on knowing. I’m usually the one saying, “Oh, can you see the strings?” In this case, I didn’t know how you did it. And I liked that. I liked it a lot.
Vinh Giang was endearing, engaging and, just to add to that toxic mix, talented. He brings a personal element to his magic that makes the experience personal and, strangely for a magic show, touching. He is a genuine performer. Matt Tarrant, meanwhile, is a bit more of a comic magician. He seems to take pleasure in taking audience participation to an awkward place; then again, the audience seems to enjoy that too. Although Matt did kinda make an oopsy-daisy. A boo-boo if you will. He did a trick of his very own which, while on balance worked all right, did not have the wow-factor of a perfectly executed trick. I would like to know if he manages to pull it off this Fringe. Reports appreciated!
This is not to besmirch the evening, not at all. I was wowed. I was amazed. You got me.
Special note, however, that this show is interactive (they never did tell me why I was supposed to upload a blurry picture of a projected image into the social media sphere). If you do not like audience participation, get under your chair any time they throw that soft toy into the crowd. I think that would be the ONLY way to be safe.