Review – True Story.
Do you know the song “Taylor the Latte Boy” and in particular, the Kristen Chenoweth version? If so read ahead, if not go to YouTube and watch. OK. Ready? If that is the kind of thing that floats your boat then hop on board and get thee to True Story.
True Story is a completely original cabaret piece based on strange but true tales collected from all round the world. From a vengeful dentist to a kid that dreams of mythical creatures, Ruth Wilkin compiles these wacky and wonderful stories into delightful cabaret ditties. The songs are magnificently punctuated with story telling, and ads featuring customer reviews for products so bizarre you think they would have to be fiction. But no, specialised male hair removal creams exist, and so does a plastic banana slicer that looks like a medieval torture device.
Wilkin is a polished and professional cabaret performer, and she approaches her craft with a precision that is in complete contrast to the subject matter. This completely enhances the comedic effect of the show in the way a deadpan reading of a passage from 50 Shades of Gray makes you giggle. A big bonus is that this show is set in the beautifully-intimate La Boheme, where you can enjoy the show with one of the best cocktails in Adelaide.
If you like quirky cabaret and a sublime gin cocktail, get down to La Boheme and see True Story. Wilkin is more endearing than Chenoweth anyway.