10 Quick Qs – Jen Kirkman
1. Describe your show Twitter-style, 140 character or less!
FUNNY. An hour of jokes & stories about love, marriage, death, age, youth and general misanthropy. I like to talk to the audience – NICELY.
2. Who’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever been ignored by?
I was rejected sexually/romantically by David Spade. If a celebrity has ignored me – I wouldn’t know it because they were ignoring me.
3. I’m sure you’re excited to be visiting Melbourne for the comedy festival. Tell us what you hate most about Sydney.
Ha. NO WAY. I won’t badmouth Sydney. I loved visiting there. Okay. I think the service at coffee shops is a little slow.
4. What was the most challenging aspect about preparing your show?
The only challenging aspect will be that damn 15 hour flight – even WITH Klonopin and a pillow.
5. You can choose to have anything named after yourself: a planet, stadium, street, whatever. How would you immortalise yourself?
I would like a song named after me that becomes as much of a classic as Freebird.
6. What’s your favourite strategy for eviscerating a heckler?
I do not like to eviscerate hecklers because as an “artist” (almost wrote that without feeling self-conscious) there is no part of my show where I want to break what I’m doing and be mean to someone in the audience. So what I normally do is find a way to get them kicked out. I don’t want them there. I don’t find it fun or productive to engage.
7. Why would someone not want to come see your show?
Because they’re afraid of honest comedy and looking at a woman in hair extensions and KISS type platform wedge boots?
8. Describe to us your ideal breakfast.
Dinner. Because it would mean I slept really, really late for once.
9. What is the biggest accolade you’ve received from one of your shows?
Entertainment Weekly once said that if people liked Louis CK they should check out my stand-up.
10. What other MICF show are you most excited to catch up with?
I have to first look up what other shows are going on and also what “catch up with” translates to. (Just taking the piss) (Oh wait, is that a British expression?)