Review – A Simple Space
Season: 14 Feb – 15 March
(Not 16, 23 Feb, 2 & 9 Mar)
Matinees: 1pm 8 & 15 March @ Royal Croquet Club
Price: $25 – $35| Buy Tickets
With music blasting and gaudy lights swirling within the formidable dome of scaffolding that is the Royal Croquet Club’s Menagerie, it appears hometown favourites A Simple Space are no longer performing in simple spaces. Once the ensemble entered the area however, it became clear they were going to stay true to what made them so popular in the first place: simplicity. The Gravity and Other Myths outfit delivered circus tricks without all the pizzazz, physical comedy without the buffoonery, sexiness without sexing themselves up, basically, acrobatics how it first began: just a bunch of mates pissing around and egging each other on to ever-greater heights.
Mistakes here don’t break the spell but feel perfectly at home, and only add to the sense of danger. When a stunt does come off, the performers seem as excited (surprised?) as the audience, with a sense of genuine enthusiasm that permeates everything. Elliot Zoerner provides a suitably warm live soundtrack, and periodically steps down from the percussion from time to time to beat the acrobats at their own game. The whole ensemble are fit and talented, but what really makes this show one of the highlights of the Fringe is their charisma and chemistry – A Simple Space is a strangely life-affirming experience.