Review – Luisa Omielan – What Would Beyonce Do?
Season: 2nd – 15th March @ Garden of Unearthly Delights
Price: $28| Buy Tickets
Girl got game. Omielan is one brave lady. Not only is she dancing solo on stage as the audience enters (no mean feat), she’s also unafraid to tackle the big issues. Speaking passionately about depression in the middle of a comedy show might seem odd but then Luisa is not your average girl. She’s raw and honest and bloody funny. She is committed to channelling Beyonce in all areas of her life and the interjections of Queen B’s greatest hits get the audience engaged and entertained, to the point of singing along and dancing on stage with her!
The narrative is circular and the flow is clear and easy. Her energy throughout the show is high and her manner endearing. Her humour is sharp and quick enough to balance the more serious side of things. Opinion remains divided on whether the subject matter is too heavy for comedy. Some say it’s a downer, but I think it’s a maverick move to discuss a still relatively taboo topic in such an unlikely setting. And there is enough trash talk and Bey references to ensure the laughs don’t die out.
Not really a show for the fellas though. Best enjoyed with a group of girlfriends and a big glass of wine.