Review – Angus Hodge: Finding My Rose-Coloured Glasses
The Fringe is riddled with emerging stand-up comedians from around the country. Many of these fall back on stories about their lives, about the trials and tribulations of being a comedian (how meta!) and the quirky people they meet along the way. In such a widely embraced formula, it takes years of practice and a level of charisma to keep it fresh and interesting, to differentiate it between a performance and an anecdote told at the pub.
In a solid performance, Angus Hodge achieves this in Finding my Rose Coloured Glasses. Performed on very intimate stage, Hodge manages to recall witty stories and a colourful critique of upper middle class Melbourne in what is definitely not a break-up show. Adventures in share housing and crazy (in a good way) friendships help colour the narrative, which concludes with a positive spin on life and his experiences along with demonstrating how humour can be used to help deal with bad situations.
It’s always nice to see an ex-Adelaideian return to the ol’ stomping grounds after leaving for greener, and admittedly more stand-up friendly pastures, and it’s clear that the move was certainly a good one for Hodge and his comedy. An up-and-comer to look out for, Hodge is sure to delight, and will hopefully return next year with even more stories.