Category: Reviews

Review – Fright or Flight

Experimental and bizarre circus that is as captivating as Fright or Flight is as rare as hen’s teeth. You will laugh at the parley between the kooky characters. You will be enthralled by the aerial acrobatics and bottle balancing. You will want to buy the soundtrack. And you will definitely want to take these weird creatures under your wing.

Review – Bel Canto Bowie

Pasqualina and Maria Maria are two Roman Catholic Italian choir girls who develop a devotion to Bowie that soon overtakes their devotion to God. Something about this analogy of Bowie as a literal lord and saviour will hold a strong appeal for anyone who has at some point in their lives experienced a Bowie fixation.

Review – Wendy House

The proclaimed Breakfast Club correlation is accurate in an angst-ridden and you’ll-probably-connect-with-it-if-you-see-it-in-your-teens kind of way; however, Wendy House is more of a hybrid between John Marsden’s When the War Began series and, at a stretch, the Hunger Games.

Review – Mutual A-Gender

Mutual A-Gender is a showcase in two parts – “Milkshake” by Sarah Ling, and “Gay by Nature” by Nick Walters, both of which explore gender and the nature of its representation – and performance – in society.