Category: Reviews

Review – Swamp Juice

Swamp Juice is the story of a nasty little man with an evil cackle who enjoys tormenting the snails, snakes and birdies of the swamp he boats on. Until today, that is, when his world suddenly gets turned inside out.

Review – (finger)prints

Without giving anything away, the basic premise centres upon Esther being killed by a drunk driver. Oli and Sam desperately try to convince Max that he did it through such brutal levels of selfish machination that they could only be summoned by minds in utter desperation.

Review – Carousel & Clothesline

Imagine a bearded and tattooed muscle man supporting his pint-sized partner by her pelvis in a complex hold, which then segues seamlessly and sensuously between flips, holds and drops to the gasping appreciation of the crowd. Hot, right? Just wait until you see it.

Review – Rom Com Con

Finding themselves despairingly single, British comedians Lizzy Mace and Juliette Burton sought to investigate this very premise by undertaking the ultimate social experiment, and road testing some of the most common rom-com tropes in real life.

Review – Day of the Dead

Cath and her sister decided to visit the Day of the Dead; a traditional Mexican holiday surrounding death and those who have passed away. This experience opened her eyes to the rather morose and taboo relationship Australians have with death.

Review – Anthropy

The whole show came together really well and was extremely entertaining. It left you wondering how the tricks were actually possible, which is exactly how you want to leave a magic show; in awed disbelief.