Troubadour – Asher Treleaven
Asher Treleaven’s latest show is an autobiography that asks the question, ‘Is my life interesting enough to be an autobiography?’ then uses Edward De Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats to answer. We follow Asher from living in Humpty Doo to being kicked out of Drama Class at age 14 through his circus days to now.
When? 29th March – 22nd April | Tue – Sat 7 PM | Sun 6 PM
How much? Full $25 | Conc. & Groups (8 or more) $20 | Cheap Tues. $20 – Buy Tickets
Where? Melbourne Town Hall
1. Describe your show Twitter style, 140 characters or less!
An autobiographical show that asks if my life is interesting enough to talk about for an hour.
2. Since you’re a comedian, is there a lot of pressure to be funny on a first date?
I’m married so being funny is not an issue, the only time my wife laughs at me is when I embarrass myself in public or fall over.
3. Speaking of, what’s your ideal date activity?
See answer 2. (Married)
4. A movie that made you cry?
Last of the Mohicans, I always cry at the end especially when I’m suffering acute food poisoning with a head full of pharmaceuticals.
5. What do you do when you get sad?
I drink scotch, listen to Miles Davis and pretend I’m back in Paris.
6. When and/or why did you decide to become a comedian?
Because I fucking LOVE this job, oo rah!
7. Favourite comedian?
Robin Williams
8. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A funny/interesting journomedian.
9. Funniest YouTube clip you’ve seen?
That one with the cat doing that thing where the guy gets scared and then all those people stack it and stuff.
10. Which artist/comedian are you looking forward to seeing at the Festival?
Simon Amstell