10 Terrorists!

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7 Responses

  1. Mark V says:

    Shot without a script? I should’ve guessed. The film’s ending reeks of “let’s wrap this up quickly and inexpensively”. I feel badly for my friend, a lovely person, who was involved as a producer in this film, and all the frustration she told me that she felt. All the behind-the-scenes BS for a film that is destined to never receive widespread commercial distribution and be forgotten quickly. A six-figure sum has been squandered on what is essentially about 90 minutes of highly unsubtle caricatures, even less subtle product placement (Limozone!) and mostly unfunny jokes. The best satires make people think intelligently and critically about the subject; perhaps even make one feel a little uncomfortable and/or sad after all the laughter (e.g. “The Candidate” written by Jeremy Larner, “Network” written by Paddy Chayefsky, etc). This one doesn’t. It’s not funny enough to be great comedy and not intelligent enough to qualify as incisive satire. Basically, it’s like a five minute sketch from “Fast Forward” or “D-Generation” blown to feature length.

  2. Nikki M says:

    Blah Blah Blah ……. I love people who use public forum”s like this to ‘BAG’ what others create!! it saddens me to think that we can stoop to this! We all only have 1 opinion……so here this is mine 🙂

  3. Rita says:

    I love the movie! I don’t get what you think Mark. Sounds a little personal to me. Is this about the movie or is this about the producers? lol

  4. Dean says:

    This is a fun movie. In fact its a ‘blast’. And it says something about our society.

  5. Trisha says:

    Well, MarkV, who are you trying to look clever for?
    Whoever it is would have to be disappointed in this effort.
    In my 53 years of adult life I’ve never seen or read such a load of unadulterated bile with an obvious intent to destroy another’s creation.
    I have seen the movie and find it impossible to recocile anything you’ve written with my movie experience of 10Terrorists.
    You have my sympathy as you clearly have a negative outlook on life and humour.

  6. FilmLover says:

    Loved the film. So much commentary on the world in which we live and all about reality tv. Get the with the program. It is a comedy that will stand the test of time. It is not about those who make the film but a satire – a comedy – a good laugh – tremendous laugh out loud film. It is like a modern Monty Python – sketches that make you laugh and think all at the same time! It just makes you wonder what is real in reality tv and what is all the fuss about it being based on life… maybe we are going to see a real on like this soon – actually heard Mark Burnett in US is doing one with real army.

  7. Andrea Buck says:

    10terrorists just won “Best Kick-Ass Original Feature ” at the Los Angeles Comedy Festival!

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