Ali McGregor’s Late-Nite Variety-Nite Night
The cult variety night returns to the Spiegeltent. Ali McGregor hosts a variety of international and local comedians, cabaret, burlesque and specialty acts alongside her butler Saxon MacAlistair (award-winning comedian Asher Treleaven).
When? 30th March – 21st April | Fri & Sat 11:30 PM
How much? Full $25 | Conc. $20 | Group (6 or more) $18 – Buy Tickets
THIS variety show has been a staple of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival for a few years now. Famed opera singer and comedienne Ali McGregor presents a hand-picked set of acts from the festival who perform segments of their act, interspersed with her old timey interpretations of 80’s and 90’s pop and eurotrash tunes. It’s a great opportunity to see seven acts for the price of one or decide what your picks of the fest will be.
Ali has a stunning voice and knows how to play up the silliness of her musical renditions. She also has brilliant and diverse taste in performers, not to mention her assistant ‘comedy butler’ Asher Treleaven. From opening comic Felicity Ward to cheeky burlesque act Agent Lynch (did I mention this show is in the famous Spiegeltent!) this night really sums up the atmosphere of the festival and should be seen by everyone, no excuses.