Review – Burlesque Beauties in Next to Nothing
Venue: Rhino Room | Yelp
Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Buy Tickets
All in all it was an entertaining show, but tits and ass usually is. In this case however the aforementioned tits and asses belonged to some very smokin’ hot and talented women.
Set in the sublimely air-conditioned Rhino Room, the Burlesque Beauties dazzled us with their ‘perfect combination of sexy and cute’ (did you say that to them?). Bonus points to anyone who gets this reference.
In an ode to pop music, the girls danced up a storm, burst balloons and cheekily licked cream cupcakes bringing the audience to a hotter state than the sweltering temperatures outside.
The show was brilliantly punctuated by comic relief featuring Motaz, Imaan Hadchiti and the ever-gracious compare, Marcel Lucont. I won’t give away any of the jokes but suffice to say my stomach got a good work out from the giggles. I didn’t know what a Frenchman could do with a bottle of champagne and three metres of duct tape.
An unexpected special acoustic guest performance of last year’s K-Pop wonder song by the sound technician left me a little bit in love with the guy…
Overall if you want pop, fun, high energy entertainment with plays on the word pussy and a barrel of laughs, this show is a must.
Thank you so much Heckler for totally getting what we do! It was a joy to have you in the audience and this review is going to be posted everywhere. PS Craig Delaland (tech/guitarist) is slightly in love with you too. x