Review – Four Screws Loose: Screwtopia!
Nawww, these goobers are pretty cute. Even pretty funny. Sure, some of their punch lines fall a little flatter than they’d hoped, but all in all it’s a good fun show that’ll keep you chuckling in your chair – or maybe even co-starring on stage.
Four Screws Loose is a musical comedy sketch group made up of four British boys Richard, Conan, Thom and Joseph. Their skits focus on the daily trials and tribulations that everyone can relate to. With plenty of cross-dressing (if you call wearing a suitably ridiculous blonde wig cross-dressing) and audience participation, the boys easily win the crowd over with their silly antics.
The Screws get everyone in the mood with a soaring and hilarious rendition of “Les Supermarchés Misérables”, ensuring that the shopping chain jokes were locally referenced. The boys don’t take themselves too seriously, even attempting an entire skit in an Aussie accent, on a dare. Some of the more impressive gags were an audience-inclusive life drawing class, a nod to English community choirs, a mash-up musical version of Titanic, and one particularly vomit-inducing skit about a bird family. Finishing on a Disney megamix of daily gripes, the show does not disappoint those out for a geeked-out giggle.
Showcasing some under-used musical theatre talent, cheeky writing and adorable personalities, these boys are worth a look in.