Review – Adam Richard: Gaypocalypse
Adam Richard‘s comedy career has been long and rich. Spanning over twenty years, and including stand-up, radio and now television, many fresh young comics would die to know what his secret is. It’s simple, he’s really funny.
Be it boatloads of zombies arriving at our shores blasting Gloria Estefan, or just lesbians going to Bunnings, Adam had the whole crowd in stitches as he reminded us that the best way to get people laughing is to start by laughing at yourself. The very vague themes of apocalypse, zombies, and of course all things gay somehow come together to make a surprisingly clever and hilarious show.
The social justice warrior in me always gets a little nervous before a show. Will Gaypocolypse be an hour of out-dated stereotypes and cheesy one liners? Or worse still, will I be stuck in a room with 50 people all fidgeting awkwardly as “the line” is abandoned and poor taste reigns supreme? Thankfully, Adam Richard not only saved me from a night of cringing, but he even went above and beyond, cleverly addressing a few topical issues with tact and ease.
Although Adam may not have made me cringe, he did make me blush a few times with admissions that I dare not repeat. I suspect that his PG13 day jobs have left him with a filthy streak that’s just dying to come out, and come out it did! But while Adam Richard’s Gaypocalypse might just give your dear old nan a heart attack, it’s definitely a show worth seeing.