Review – Papillon
Papillon is classic circus with a modern twist. It has a bit of everything, and when I say everything I mean everything.
Acrobatics, plate spinning, juggling, escape art, cabaret singing, glass walking and even lion taming. OK well there isn’t a real lion, but trust me ladies – you’ll be happy with this lion.
This show is just pure simple fun. Each component is delivered with a shot of comedy that keeps you giggling between gasps.
I never would have thought that you could put plate spinning to glam rock, but you can and it is hilarious. I didn’t think that watching someone take a staple in the arm or walk on glass would be something a normal person would enjoy, and yet…
A definite highlight was cabaret singing from the pocket rocket, sailor-mouthed Claire “Minnie” Andrews. Strutting around in her Shirley Temple inspired costume will leave you surprised that such filth can sound so innocent.
If you are looking for circus that is just a little bit naughty then get along to Papillon. However, this is not – I repeat NOT – a show for children.
Right on the money