Review – Left
Season: March 5 – 15 @ Gluttony
Price: $35 | Buy Tickets
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The LEFT ensemble is bursting with energy and passion and the show is jammed packed with amazing routines, yet an edit of the weaker moments could see this show seriously fly.
The cast seemed very relaxed at the start, dressed in casual clothes, chatting amongst themselves and talking with the audience, establishing very early on that you are not watching glitzed up, painted performers, you are watching people.
This premise would hold up fairly well if when they did spring in to action it was with a focused confidence that let the audience know they were in safe hands, yet it didn’t quite hit the mark.
Perhaps it was opening night jitters or just an off night but the show was littered with small fumbles from the very beginning and at times it was uncomfortable to watch them throw each other around so wildly when they hadn’t quite gained our trust. Edge of your seat stuff, but not necessarily in a good way.
Some of the acts were truly amazing and it really was incredibly fun to watch them having fun, especially in the table sequence towards the end where all of the games that had been set up previously came together in a glorious flurry.
When they were nailing it they were really nailing it and there were some really clever moments of simple beauty.
Unfortunately because so many small things had gone wrong so consistently throughout, when a more dramatic moment comes later it is easy to become confused and think something seriously bad has happened to one of the performers.
A strong, heartfelt show by some very talented people, just in need of a little tighten up. Definitely one to watch.