Rob Hunter – Late O’Clock with Rob Hunter
When? 2nd – 16th April | Mon 9:45
How much? Full $21 | Conc. $19 | Group (5 or more) $18.50 – Buy Tickets
Where? Melbourne Town Hall
ROB Hunter and Luke McGregor’s show uses all of the iconography we expect from the late-night, comedian-hosted talk show. Think Jay Leno, David Letterman or Conan O’Brien. There’s the giant silver antique microphone which sits on the desk covered in cue cards where the snappily dressed host (Rob Hunter) interviews his various guests.
The conversation between the host and the guests is very different… every question and comment from Rob Hunter is a thinly veiled insult. Sometimes the insults are obviously silly but on occasion he seems to be genuinely trying to upset his guests, drawing heavily on their past.
This is a clever and original take on a fairly tired idea. The interviews are well executed, it’s very hard to judge how scripted they are and there are some endearing and memorably cringe worthy moments.