Tagged: ADLFringe14

Review – Jon Brooks: Shitegeist

At once concerned with both the pursuit of truth and faecal discharge, his pacey performance is both reflective and refreshing, rather like the experience of taking a healthy poo (except instead of being left with a turd we find a golden bar of comedy).

Review – The Mile High Club

From a particularly adorable story about a dad joke going too far, to a man realising his dream of participating in a threesome with a married couple, all the way through to a character comedian who reminded me of every delusional safety officer I’ve ever worked with, the laughs were always forth coming.

Review – 5pound theatre’s Ubu Roi

The set is striking; performed outdoors in an ankle-deep pit of mud, the first row of the audience is provided with plastic sheets to protect from the splatter. It’s a brilliant feature… there’s something undeniably and viscerally satisfying in watching people quite literally slinging mud at each other.