Tagged: horror

Review – Riddick

Once again Riddick is a lone wolf who must forge an uneasy alliance with some mercenaries and bounty hunters in order to survive. The result of this simple formula is fun science fiction with decent action sequences, nice CGI and the type of gory violence that receives cheers from the audience.

Review – You’re Next

It’s all contrived gory nonsense. The plot twists are uninspired, none of it makes much sense, and this B-grade comedy is never more than one step away from being so-bad-it’s-terrible.

Interview – 100 Bloody Acres

The Cairnes brothers are doing the Australian film industry proud with their debut horror-comedy 100 Bloody Acres. The movie has been doing pretty strongly, both home and overseas, getting audiences to laugh and squirm in equal measure. Heckler tracked them down, and promised to let them go if they’d answer a few questions…