Tagged: Movie

Review – Silver Linings Playbook

Everyone likes to hate on rom-coms. And with good reason too. Most films in this genre are suited for people with IQs lower than their age and aimed at ‘holiday’ markets where most movies get decent box office numbers simply because people are going to go see something (read: anything) at the movies. And then, every now and then, out of the blue, almost as if it was made by accident, you get a gem of a movie like Silver Linings Playbook.

Review – Life of Pi

Life of Pi is a an ambitious film. Based on a book by the same name, it was repeatedly described as unfilmable. So who decided to film it? Ang Lee of course. Your average movie buff will recall that Lee has made a career out of surprising viewers with his film choices.

Review – Samsara

Samsara is a visual documentary filmed over a period of almost five years, in twenty-five countries. What’s a visual documentary? Well, it’s a lot like a normal documentary, except without any dialogue. Zilch. No narration, no interviews and no Morgan Freeman.

Review – Zero Dark Thirty

Zero Dark Thirty is one ambitious piece of work. Directed by Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow, the film is a procedural police drama blown up to a world-spanning, history-defining scale…