Tagged: music

Nano Stern [Chile]

A superstar in his home country, Nano performed to over 180,000 protestors whilst his new single La Puta Esperanza became the theme for their dissent.

Mahala Rai Banda [Romania],

The group combine the racous energy of a gypsy campfire party with funk, soul and Middle-eastern influences. Music best enjoyed on your feet with dancing shoes strapped on tight.

The Bombay Royale [Australia]

The Bombay Royale [Australia]

A compelling reason to come see your gig?
You will have never seen anything like it before. It’s a complete aural and visual experience, that is just too much fun to pass up.

Blue King Brown [Australia]

Blue King Brown [Australia]

A compelling reason to come see your gig?
If you want to see political asylum seekers from West Papua, dancing with a diverse cultural mash up of amazing musicians from Australia, lead and driven by a no holds barred female dread with native american, mexican & samoan roots, come on down…

Picture Box Orchestra [Australia]

Picture Box Orchestra [Australia]

A compelling reason to go to your gig?
I’ll be performing several new tracks at WOMAD and my long term collaborator Faheem Mazhar has come over, all the way from Pakistan to perform with us. Because this is a cross cultural project any live performance of our repertoire with the original repertoire is extremely rare.

Jay Hoad Band [Australia/Fiji]

Jay Hoad Band [Australia/Fiji]

I think the best description we ever had was “An eclectic sound of global proportion”.
But honestly, I try to cover just about ever style of music I have ever heard throughout the show, all performed in a very high energy “play every show like it’s your last” kind of way.

AnDa Union [China]

The primary instrument used by the group, the morin huur or horse head fiddle, pays homage to Mongolia’s most revered animal, the horse.