Review – Neal Portenza’s Test Show. This is not a real show. Don’t even come. (Maybe do but).
Comedy’s hard, you guys, which is why Dr. Professor Neal Portenza is only doing a test run this year.
Comedy’s hard, you guys, which is why Dr. Professor Neal Portenza is only doing a test run this year.
Breaking Even is about the reality of working in comedy, the reality being that the pay sucks and half the time you end up putting in more money than you get out.
The factory theme is appropriate, because this is a refined act; aesthetics are kept to an absolute minimum, and Dan and Simon work off each other like clockwork as they churn out the skits.
Each member of the audience is offered a strip of wet flannel and a piece of dark chilli chocolate…
DeAnne Smith is down in Australia, she’s full of energy, and she’s going to do this! She’s going to nail it!
It’s a sweet, touching, hilarious show, and it’s too late to see it.
As each comedian does their set, Hadley Donaldson doodles their stories on a projector screen. The results are often hilarious, as comic and illustrator jostle for laughs.
A real Fringe treat that will make you think, but most of all it will make you smile.
Tales of the Sea is a genial memoir of life inside a nuclear-powered tin-can, at depths the state-secrets act prevents Eric from revealing.
Occupy White People is an illuminating exploration of issues of race in Australia, told through a very funny and talented comedian.
Le Foulard plays the long joke, the humour cooking over in a slow boil that plays tension against relief as Lucy builds towards the laughs.
You’d kinda hope that if you flew four comedians to Australia all the way from the Arctic, you’d give them a stage with some aircon so they don’t melt in the 40 degree heat.
Joe Bone plays Bruce Bane, a hard-boiled detective working outside the law to bring his righteous fury on the criminal underworld.
When I walked in to see the protagonist displaying her pointe skills, I thought I was at the wrong show. But no, I was in the right place – the ballet was just an initial peek into Frances’ life as a control freak.
What the masses said