Tagged: Garden of Unearthly Delights

Review – The Audreys

The title track on the new album is revealed to be inspired by Play School’s “Shake Your Sillies Out,” thanks to Taasha’s 2-year-old son. It’s a lush, sexy track (forget the Play School) that, if you’ve ever had to shake your sillies out, will speak to you like that talking hamster did that time you had an existential crisis and went on a three-week bender.

Review – Swamp Juice

Swamp Juice is the story of a nasty little man with an evil cackle who enjoys tormenting the snails, snakes and birdies of the swamp he boats on. Until today, that is, when his world suddenly gets turned inside out.

Review – Carousel & Clothesline

Imagine a bearded and tattooed muscle man supporting his pint-sized partner by her pelvis in a complex hold, which then segues seamlessly and sensuously between flips, holds and drops to the gasping appreciation of the crowd. Hot, right? Just wait until you see it.

Review – Mat Ricardo

[Mat Ricardo] is a cynic’s juggler equipped with the comedic sensibilities of Rowan Atkinson, and he happily distances himself from the clichés of juggled swords (too dangerous) and juggled chainsaws (not dangerous enough).

Review – Wau Wau Sisters: Death Threats (and other forms of flattery)

With a mix of homoerotic acrobatics, storytelling, songs and bullet dodging, the Wau Wau sisters display their irreverent wit as well as their gold-spangled athletic bodies. The most impressive act in this self-proclaimed ‘Cirque de T&A’ is on the double trapeze. The sisters dazzle their gasping audience with impressive spins and catches, entirely in lascivious character.