Tagged: Adrienne Truscott

10 Quick Qs – Adrienne Truscott

If you could put on (or be in) any show/band in the world, which one would it be? I’d either be in the Carol Burnett show but if that wasn’t possible, maybe I’d make a very short show where everyone I could find who has a beard had to stand together on stage and shave it slowly to a song by The National while girls in flower headbands ate artisanal pickles and wept.

Review – Wau Wau Sisters: Death Threats (and other forms of flattery)

With a mix of homoerotic acrobatics, storytelling, songs and bullet dodging, the Wau Wau sisters display their irreverent wit as well as their gold-spangled athletic bodies. The most impressive act in this self-proclaimed ‘Cirque de T&A’ is on the double trapeze. The sisters dazzle their gasping audience with impressive spins and catches, entirely in lascivious character.