Tagged: reviews

Review – Life of Pi

Life of Pi is a an ambitious film. Based on a book by the same name, it was repeatedly described as unfilmable. So who decided to film it? Ang Lee of course. Your average movie buff will recall that Lee has made a career out of surprising viewers with his film choices.

Review – Samsara

Samsara is a visual documentary filmed over a period of almost five years, in twenty-five countries. What’s a visual documentary? Well, it’s a lot like a normal documentary, except without any dialogue. Zilch. No narration, no interviews and no Morgan Freeman.

Review – Zero Dark Thirty

Zero Dark Thirty is one ambitious piece of work. Directed by Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow, the film is a procedural police drama blown up to a world-spanning, history-defining scale…

Review – Margaret Fulton: Queen of the Dessert

Margaret Fulton: Queen of the Dessert was like attending a charming dinner party where you are sitting next to your best mate, but opposite Grandad Bob – who fights you for the gravy dish and can’t take his eyes from your chest. You turn to one side and love relishing in old memories and laughing at good times; turn to the other and you can’t escape the cringe-worthy stories and vulgar jokes.

Review – Daisy Bates: Tales of Kabbarli

It took me a little while to connect with Daisy, I’m not sure if this was just my ear tuning to her Irish accent or if it was due to her ditheriness at the start, but once the stories of her Aboriginal people and her time at Ooldea started to flow it was hard not to be transported back to the desert.